August 15 Is A Scandalous Chapter In The History Of The Bengali Nation

August 15 Is A Scandalous Chapter In The History Of The Bengali Nation

Desk Report: President. Abdul Hamid said, the 47th martyrdom anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. August 15 is a scandalous chapter in the history of the Bengali nation.

He said this in a message given on the occasion of National Mourning Day on Sunday (August 15).

The President said that the great language movement of 1952, the united front election of ’54, the movement against the military rule of ’56, the movement against the education commission of ’62, the 6-point of ’66, the ’69 Bangabandhu led every democratic and freedom movement for the liberation and rights of Bengalis, including the mass uprising and the elections of ’70. For this he has to be imprisoned again and again.

Abdul Hamid said, today is the day of national mourning. 46th Martyrdom Anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. August 15 is a scandalous chapter in the history of the Bengali nation. On this day in 1975, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the undisputed leader and father of the greatest Bengali nation of all time, was martyred at his residence in Dhanmondi by the direct and indirect help of the conspirators against the war of liberation and independence. At the same time, Bangabandhu’s wife Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatun Nesha Mujib, son Sheikh Kamal, Sheikh Jamal and many close relatives including infant son Sheikh Russell were martyred. Such heinous incidents are rare not only in the history of the country but also in the history of the world. I pay my deep respects to their memory with a sad heart and pray for the forgiveness of the souls of all the martyrs in the court of the Most Merciful God.

He said Bangabandhu was uncompromising on the question of Bengali rights. He also sang the praises of Bengal and Bengalis on the gallows. After a long ups and downs, this great leader, ignoring the bloody eyes of the then Pakistani ruling class, on March 7, 1971, thunderously declared to millions of people on the racecourse ground, ‘This time the struggle is for our liberation, this time the struggle is for freedom’. Following this, he declared the independence of Bangladesh on March 26, 1971 and under his leadership we achieved victory through a long 9-month armed liberation war. Bangabandhu and Bangladesh have become one entity today. The assassins killed the father of the nation but could not erase his principles and ideals. As long as Bangladesh exists, the name of the Father of the Nation will remain immortal in the hearts of millions of Bengalis of this country.

The President said the welfare of the people was in Bangabandhu’s mind from a young age. Bangabandhu has always stood by the people of the country and in any crisis, including the famine of undivided Bengal in 1943, the communal riots during the partition of the country in 1947 and the catastrophic cyclone of 1970. Today, in the twenty-first century, we are still facing a difficult time. Today the whole world including Bangladesh is fighting against the Corona epidemic. The Government of Bangladesh is making all out efforts to deal with the Corona situation. In order to deal with this situation, the government as well as the people of the country should extend a helping hand. You have to follow the hygiene rules yourself and be diligent so that others also follow them. The time has come for the people of the country to stand by Bangabandhu in this critical moment with lessons from his principles and biography. And this will be a good attempt to pay homage to Bangabandhu in the year of Mujib.

Abdul Hamid further said that Bangabandhu has struggled all his life for political independence as well as economic liberation of the people. His dream was to establish ‘Sonar Bangla’ free from hunger and poverty. Therefore, our responsibility will be to make Bangladesh a happy and prosperous country by enriching it with knowledge and completing the unfinished work of Bangabandhu. Only then will due respect be shown to this great leader.

The successful implementation of ‘Vision-2021’ announced by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to turn Bangladesh into a middle-income country by 2021 is nearing completion. Huge work is going on in the implementation of ‘Vision 2041’ to make the country a developed and prosperous country in 2041. I urge everyone to work together for the implementation of these programs, regardless of party affiliation. On National Mourning Day, let us transform the grief of losing the Father of the Nation into strength and devote ourselves to building the golden Bengal of his dreams.


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