BASIC Bank Deposit Products. BASIC Century Deposit Scheme, BASIC Monthly Savings Scheme, BASIC Nari Monthly Savings Scheme, BASIC Probin Monthly Savings Scheme, BASIC Monthly Income Scheme, Sata Barsha Shanchoy Prakalpo, Current Deposit Account, BASIC Premium Plus Current Account, BASIC Friendship Account, Savings Deposit Account, School Banking Account, Krishok Savings Account, RMG Worker Account, Leather Industry Worker Account, BASIC Chalantika, Trinomul Savings Account, Muktijoddha Savings Account, BASIC Double Deposit Scheme, Interest Free Special Savings Deposit Account, Special Notice Deposit (SND), Fixed Term Deposit.
BASIC Century Deposit Scheme
This is a 100 days, 200 days or 300 days fixed deposit product. Eligible individual (single or jointly) can deposit a lump sum of money to get attractive rate of return.
• A non-transferrable instrument like FDR to be issued in favor of account holder.
• Initial deposit amount will be Tk. 25,000/- (Tk. Twenty Five Thousand) or multiples thereof.
• Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
• Premature encashment will be allowed but conditions applied.
• Loan facility available up to 90% of deposit amount but conditions applied.
BASIC Century Deposit Scheme may be opened in the name of:
• Individuals
• Two or more Individuals (Joint)
• Minor jointly with Natural / Legal Guardian.
Slab & Tenure wise Interest Rate:
• 6.25% to 6.75% p.a.
Slab/Tenure | 100 days | 200 days | 300 days |
Tk. 25,000 to above | 6.25% | 6.50% | 6.75% |
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time; continuity of the product is at management discretion.
Required Information & Documents:
• Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
• NID/ Birth Certificate/ Valid Passport
• TIN (if any).
• Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
• One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
For opening Account in the name of minor:
• NID / Birth Certificate / Valid Passport of Natural / Legal Guardian.
• 2(two) copy recent passport size Photographs of account holder and 2(two) copy recent passport size Photographs of natural / legal guardian duly attested by the Introducer.
• One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the legal guardian of account holder.
BASIC Monthly Savings Scheme
It is a monthly installment basis deposit scheme having tenure from 1 to 5 years. At the end of maturity, customer will get the total deposited amount with applicable interest. Monthly installment should be paid within the last day of each month to keep the scheme regular.
• Individual(s) in single and joint names.
• Minor jointly with Natural / Legal Guardian.
• Monthly installment size is minimum Tk.500/- (Tk. Five Hundred) or multiples thereof; but not exceeding Tk.20,000/- (Tk. Twenty Thousand).
• Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
• Premature encashment includes immediate earlier maturity value.
• Loan facility available up to 80% of deposit amount but condition applied.
Tenure wise Interest Rate:
• 6.50% to 7.50% p.a.
Tenure Interest Rate:
Tenure | Interest Rate |
1 Year | 6.50% |
2 Year | 6.75% |
3 Year | 7.00% |
4 Year | 7.25% |
5 Year | 7.50% |
• The interest will be calculated on yearly compounding method.
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time as per schedule of interest rate on deposit.
Required Information & Documents:
• Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
• Present and Permanent Address.
• NID / Birth Certificate / Valid Passport
• TIN (if any).
• Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
• One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
• In case of minor account holder, one copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the legal guardian of account holder.
BASIC Nari Monthly Savings Scheme
It is a monthly installment basis deposit scheme having tenure from 1 to 5 years dedicated to female customer. At the end of maturity, customer will get the total deposited amount with applicable interest. Monthly installment should be paid within the last day of each month to keep the scheme regular.
• Female individual(s) in single and joint names.
• Minor female jointly with Natural / Legal Guardian.
• Monthly installment size is minimum Tk.500/- (Tk. Five Hundred) or multiples thereof; but not exceeding Tk.20,000/- (Tk. Twenty Thousand).
• Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
• Premature encashment includes immediate earlier maturity value.
• Loan facility available up to 80% of deposit amount but condition applied.
Tenure wise Interest Rate:
• 6.75% to 7.75% p.a.
Tenure | Interest Rate |
1 Year | 6.75% |
2 Year | 7.00% |
3 Year | 7.25% |
4 Year | 7.50% |
5 Year | 7.75% |
• The interest will be calculated on yearly compounding method.
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time as per schedule of interest rate on deposit.
Required Information & Documents:
• Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
• Present and Permanent Address.
• NID / Birth Certificate / Valid Passport
• TIN (if any).
• Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
• One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
• In case of minor account holder, one copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the legal guardian of account holder.
BASIC Probin Monthly Savings Scheme
It is a monthly installment basis deposit scheme having tenure from 1 or 5 years dedicated to senior citizen. At the end of maturity, customer will get the total deposited amount with applicable interest. Monthly installment should be paid within the last day of each month to keep the scheme regular.
• Senior citizen(s); i.e. 60 years and above citizen in single and joint names.
• Monthly installment size is minimum Tk.500/- (Tk. Five Hundred) or multiples thereof; but not exceeding Tk.20,000/- (Tk. Twenty Thousand).
• Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
• Premature encashment includes immediate earlier maturity value.
• Loan facility available up to 80% of deposit amount but condition applied.
Tenure wise Interest Rate:
• 6.75% to 7.75% p.a.
Tenure | Interest Rate |
1 Year | 6.75% |
2 Year | 7.00% |
3 Year | 7.25% |
4 Year | 7.50% |
5 Year | 7.75% |
• The interest will be calculated on yearly compounding method.
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time as per schedule of interest rate on deposit.
Required Information & Documents:
• Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
• Present and Permanent Address.
• NID / Birth Certificate / Valid Passport
• TIN (if any).
• Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
• One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
BASIC Monthly Income Scheme
Any adult individual(s) can open this scheme in single or in joint names by depositing a certain sum of money for a certain period of time to get fixed amount of monthly income. The scheme holder(s) must have savings / current / SND account with the Bank to receive monthly income.
� Initial deposit amount is minimum Tk.1,00,000/- (Tk. One Lac) and multiples thereof; but not exceeding Tk.50,00,000/- (Tk. Fifty Lac).
� 1 year, 2 years & 3 years tenure.
� A non-transferrable instrument like FDR to be issued in favor of account holder.
� Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
� Premature encashment will be allowed but conditions applied.
� Loan facility available up to 80% of deposit amount but condition applied.
� Auto-renewal is not allowed.
Tenure wise Interest Rate and gross monthly benefit:
Tenure | Interest Rate | Gross Monthly Benefit per Lac Tk. |
1 year | 6.72% | Tk. 560 |
2 years | 6.96% | Tk. 580 |
3 years | 7.20% | Tk. 600 |
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time as per schedule of interest rate on deposit.
Required Information & Documents:
� Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
� NID / Birth Certificate / Valid Passport
� TIN (if any).
� Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
� One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
Sata Barsha Shanchoy Prakalpo
It is a monthly installment basis deposit scheme introduced on the occasion of centennial of ‘Father of the Nation’ for a period of 100 months (8 years & 4 months). At the end of maturity, customer will get the total deposited amount with applicable interest benefit. Monthly installment should be paid within the 17th day of each month to keep the account regular.
* Any adult individual(s) who has savings/current or such account can open this scheme in single or in joint names.
* Monthly installment size is minimum Tk.2,500/- (Tk. Two Thousand & Five Hundred) and multiples thereof; but not exceeding Tk.20,000/- (Tk. Twenty Thousand).
* Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
* Premature encashment will be allowed but conditions applied.
* Loan facility available up to 100% of deposit amount but condition applied.
Interest Rate:
* Simple Interest rate is 9.50% p.a.
Monthly Installment | Tenure | Total Deposit Amount | Total Interest |
2,500 | 100 months | 2,50,000 | 1,00,000 |
5,000 | 100 months | 5,00,000 | 2,00,000 |
7,500 | 100 months | 7,50,000 | 3,00,000 |
10,000 | 100 months | 10,00,000 | 4,00,000 |
12,500 | 100 months | 12,50,000 | 5,00,000 |
15,000 | 100 months | 15,00,000 | 6,00,000 |
17,500 | 100 months | 17,50,000 | 7,00,000 |
20,000 | 100 months | 20,00,000 | 8,00,000 |
Required Information & Documents:
* Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
* NID/ Birth Certificate/Valid Passport.
* TIN (if any).
* Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
* One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
NB: Customers are allowed to open accounts under this scheme till 16 December, 2021.
Current Deposit Account
BASIC Bank offers customers current deposit facility which is an easy-to-use account for daily business transactions with no restriction, instant access and withdrawals of money in anywhere in Bangladesh.
* Opening deposit is minimum Tk.500/-(Tk. Five Hundred).
* Cheque-book, ATM Service, SMS Alert Service.
* Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
* State owned organization / project funds / govt. program, etc. related account may be opened without any initial balance.
Current Deposit Account may be opened in the name of:
* Individual (Single)
* Two or more Individuals (Joint)
* Sole Proprietorship Concerns
* Partnership Firms
* Limited Companies (Both Public and Private)
* Societies / Clubs / Associations / Local Bodies
* Banks
* Govt. / Semi Govt. Offices / Corporations / Autonomous Bodies.
Interest Rate: Not applicable
Required Information & Documents:
* Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
* NID / Birth Certificate / Valid Passport.
* TIN (if any).
* Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
* One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
For opening of current accounts for joint stock companies, associations and clubs etc.:
* Copy of Registration or Incorporation certificate (in case of company or registered organization)
* Copy of certificate of commencement (only for public limited company).
* Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association (in case of limited company.
* Copy of Constitution and By-law (in case of association)
* Copy of minutes of board of directors / managing committee / governing body meeting for account management
* Certified copy of the names of directors / officials and their signatures
* Declaration.
BASIC Premium Plus Current Account
A current deposit account with free remittance facility for bank’s premium customers only where some interest benefit may be rewarded based on average monthly balance.
* Opening deposit is minimum 10,000/-(Tk. Ten Thousand).
* Cheque-book, ATM Service, SMS Alert Service.
* Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
BASIC Premium Plus Current Deposit Account may be opened in the name of:
* Individual (Single)
* Two or more Individuals (Joint)
* Sole Proprietorship Concerns
* Partnership Firms
* Limited Companies (Both Public and Private)
* Societies / Clubs / Associations / Local Bodies
* Banks * Govt. / Semi Govt. Offices / Corporations / Autonomous bodies.
Interest Rate:
* 0.00% to 1.50% p.a.
SL. No | Minimum Daily Balance | Monthly Average Balance | Interest Rate |
1 | Tk. 10,000.00 | Average monthly balance less then Tk. 10.00 Lac | Nil |
2 | Tk. 10,000.00 | Average monthly balance Tk. 10.00 Lac to < Tk. 20.00 Lac | 1.00% p.a. |
3 | Tk. 10, 000.00 | Average monthly balance Tk. 20.00 Lac and above | 1.50% p.a. |
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time.
Required Information & Documents:
* Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
* NID / Birth Certificate / Valid Passport
* TIN (if any).
* Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
* One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
For opening of current accounts for joint stock companies, associations and clubs etc.:
* Copy of Registration or Incorporation certificate (in case of company or registered organization)
* Copy of certificate of commencement (only for public limited company).
* Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association (in case of limited company).
* Copy of Constitution and By-law (in case of association)
* Copy of minutes of board of directors / managing committee / governing body meeting for account management
* Certified copy of the names of directors / officials and their signatures
* Declaration.
BASIC Friendship Account
It is an interest bearing salary account with overdraft facility to provide payroll services to any salary paid organizations. There might be an arrangement between the employer and the bank to facilitate such payroll and other banking services to its employees.
* Salary account from employee’s perspective
* Payroll services from employer’s perspective
* Only salaried person can open this account.
* Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
* Overdraft credit facilities available for the account holders but condition applied.
Interest Rate:
* Interest rate will be 3.00% p.a. which will be calculated on day count basis.
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time as per schedule of interest rate on deposit.
Required Information & Documents:
* Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
* NID / Birth Certificate / Valid Passport
* TIN (if any).
* Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
* One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
* Salary Certificate/Appointment Letter / Job Confirmation Letter / Letter of Introduction; i.e. a proof that the account holder is a salaried person.
Savings Deposit Account
Savings Deposit Account is a basic type of bank account that allows to deposit money, keep it safe, and withdraw funds, all while earning interest. It also promotes the savings habit among the people.
* Opening deposit is minimum Tk.200/-(Tk. Two Hundred)
* Cheque-book, ATM Service, SMS Alert Service.
* Taxes and duties will be applied as per rule.
* State owned organization/project funds/govt. program, etc. related account may be opened without any initial balance.
Savings Account may be opened in the name of:
* Individual (Single).
* Two or more Individuals (Joint)
* Minor jointly with Natural / Legal Guardian.
* Clubs / Societies / Associations or Similar Institutions / non-profit organizations and others.
Interest Rate:
* 3.50% p.a.
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time.
Required Information & Documents:
* Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
* NID / Birth Certificate / Valid Passport.
* TIN (if any).
* Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
* One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
For opening of Savings Deposit Account in the name of Club / Societies / Associations or Similar Institutions / non-profit organization, etc.:
* Copy of constitution / by-law / code of conduct of the concern
* Copy of minutes of managing committee / governing body meeting for account management
* Declaration.
School Banking Account
School banking is a specially designed deposit product for the students with a vision to increase their savings habit and familiarize young generations with banking. The scheme is a savings account in nature and will be treated as minor account.
* Opening deposit is minimum Tk.100/-(Tk. One Hundred).
* There will be no charges and no minimum balance requirement to maintain the account.
* Cheque-book, ATM Service, SMS Alert Service.
* Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
School Banking Account may be opened in the name of:
* A student who is under 18 years old jointly with his/her Natural / Legal Guardian.
Interest Rate:
* 4.00% p.a.
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time.
Required Information & Documents:
* Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
* School ID Card / Pay-slip / School Certificate of the Student.
* Birth Certificate of the Student.
* NID / Birth Certificate / Valid Passport of Natural / Legal Guardian.
* 2(two) copy recent passport size Photographs of account holder and 2(two) copy recent passport size Photographs of natural / legal guardian duly attested by the Introducer.
* One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the legal guardian of account holder.
NB: Parents of the student could be both legal guardian & nominee of the account.
Krishok Savings Account
Krishok Savings Account is a dedicated deposit product for the farmers to increase their savings habit and familiarize them with banking. Any adult individual farmers in single or joint name(s) can open this account to get access over various banking services.
* Opening deposit is minimum Tk.10/-(Tk. Ten).
* Cheque-book, ATM Service, SMS Alert Services
* Waiver of various account operation and maintenance related charges and fees.
* Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
Interest Rate:
* 4.00% p.a.
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time.
Required Information & Documents:
* Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
* NID / Birth Certificate.
* Krishi Card issued by Upazilla / Metropolitan Krishi Officer.
* Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
* One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
RMG Worker Account
Only adult individual workers of readymade garments industry operated in Bangladesh can open this account in single or joint name(s). This account is applicable only for Bangladeshi citizens.
* Opening deposit is minimum Tk.100/-(Tk. One Hundred).
* Cheque-book, ATM Service, SMS Alert Services
* Waiver of various account operation and maintenance related charges and fees.
* Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
Interest Rate:
* 4.00% p.a.
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time.
Required Information & Documents:
* Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
* NID / Birth Certificate
* Employer-issued ID Card.
* Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
* One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
Leather Industry Worker Account
Only adult individual workers of small industries under ‘Leather Sector Business Promotion Council’ operated in Bangladesh can open this account in single or joint name(s). This account is applicable only for Bangladeshi citizens.
* Opening deposit is minimum Tk.100/-(Tk. One Hundred).
* Cheque-book, ATM Service, SMS Alert Services
* Waiver of various account operation and maintenance related charges and fees.
* Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
Interest Rate:
* 4.00% p.a.
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time.
Required Information & Documents:
* Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
* NID / Birth Certificate
* Employer-issued ID Card.
* Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
* One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
BASIC Chalantika
Only adult individual licensed drivers of any type of vehicles and their family members can open this account in single or joint name(s). This account is applicable only for Bangladeshi citizens.
- Opening deposit is minimum Tk.100/-(Tk. One Hundred).
- Cheque-book, ATM Service, SMS Alert Services
- Waiver of various account operation and maintenance related charges and fees.
- Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
Interest Rate:
- 4.00% p.a.
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time.
Required Information & Documents:
- Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
- NID / Birth Certificate / Valid Passport
- Copy of Valid license.
- Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
- One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
Trinomul Savings Account
Only adult individual(s) of low income generating professionals and small scale businessmen can open this account in single or joint name(s). This account is applicable only for Bangladeshi citizens.
- Opening deposit is minimum Tk.10/-(Tk. Ten).
- Cheque-book, ATM Service, SMS Alert Services
- Waiver of various account operation and maintenance related charges and fees.
- Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
Interest Rate:
- 4.00% p.a.
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time.
Required Information & Documents:
- Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
- NID / Birth Certificate
- Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
- One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
Muktijoddha Savings Account
Freedom fighters of Bangladesh are entitled to open this account in single name.
- Opening deposit is minimum Tk.10/-(Tk. Ten).
- Cheque-book, ATM Service, SMS Alert Services.
- Waiver of various account operation and maintenance related charges and fees.
- Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
Interest Rate:
- 4.00% p.a.
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time.
Required Information & Documents:
- Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
- NID / Birth Certificate / Valid Passport
- Freedom Fighter Honorary Allowance Pay-Book
- Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
- One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
BASIC Double Deposit Scheme
General Features:
- The Scheme shall be implemented through all the branches of BASIC bank Limited.
- Only adult individual(s) in single or in joint names can open this scheme.
- Deposit of Tk. 25,000/- (Tk. Twenty Five Thousand) and multiplies thereof but maximum limit of Tk. 50,00,000/- (Taka Fifty Lac) at a time will be acceptable under the scheme.
- The instrument shall be issued for 10 years (120 months) term.
- Any other terms and conditions will follow the rules of other deposit account.
A specially designed Receipt shall be issued for the deposit under the Scheme in the same manner as issued in case of FDR. Branches shall use the existing receipts for issue of instruments under this scheme till separate receipts are supplied. BASIC Double Deposit Scheme Receipts duly signed by two authorized officials of the Bank on security paper is issued. Withdrawal can be made on presentation of the receipt duly discharged.
Interest Rate:
- Interest rate will be 7.17% p.a.
- Interest will be calculated yearly compounding method.
Taxes & Duties:
- Source tax will be realized at the time of interest payment as per Government regulation.
- Excise duty is chargeable in each year based on the amount of deposit at the prescribed rate of Government of Bangladesh. Excise duty will be realized from interest payment amount during year end. If interest amount is not sufficient to realize excise duty amount then due excise duty amount will be paid from bank’s suspense account and will be kept in hovering mode. This due excise duty amount will be realized from next interest payment amount.
- In case of premature encashment, if interest amount do not cover the Govt. charges then it will be realized from the principal amount.
In case of premature encashment:
(i) No interest will be applicable within 12 (twelve) months of opening the account i.e. 1 (one) year.
(ii) Annual simple interest at the interest rate of “1 (one) year fixed deposit (FDR)” will be applicable for each full year from 1 year till the end of the accounting period; No interest rate will be applicable for fractional years.
iv) AIT & Excise duty etc. to be deducted as per existing Govt. rules.
Loan Facility:
- Up to 90% of deposit amount excluding interest accrued loan facility will be provided against legal lien. This facility is available at issuing branch only.
- The loan interest rate will be 2.00% higher than the interest rate applicable to the deposit scheme + 1.00% annual processing fee will be applicable on the loan limit.
Interest Free Special Savings Deposit Account
It is a special type of saving deposit account of the Bank that allows to deposit money, keep it safe, and withdraw funds, all while getting waiver of various account operation and maintenance related charges and fees. It also promotes the savings habit among the people.
In addition, it can be operated by any religious institutions due to its unique features.
• Opening deposit is minimum Tk.500/-(Tk. Five Hundred)
• Cheque-book, ATM Service, SMS Alert Service.
• No debit card issue fee, account maintenance fee.
• No debit card renewal fees if daily average balance is Tk.15,000/-(Tk. Fifteen Thousand) for respective interval; i.e. from previous issue/renewal month to next 12 months.
• Minimum deposit balance is Tk.500/-(Tk. Five Hundred).
• Duties and other charges will be applied as per rule.
Interest Free Special Savings Deposit Account may be opened in the name of:
• Individual (Single).
• Two or more Individuals (Joint)
• Minor jointly with Natural / Legal Guardian.
• Any Religious Institution.
Interest Rate:
• Not applicable
Required Information & Documents:
• Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
• NID / Birth Certificate / Valid Passport.
• TIN (if any).
• Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
• One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
• 2(two) copy recent passport size Photographs of account holder and 2(two) copy recent passport size Photographs of natural / legal guardian duly attested by the Introducer.
For opening Account in the name of minor:
• NID / Birth Certificate / Valid Passport of Natural / Legal Guardian.
• 2(two) copy recent passport size Photographs of account holder and 2(two) copy recent passport size Photographs of natural / legal guardian duly attested by the Introducer.
• One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the legal guardian of account holder.
For opening Account in the name of any religious institution/governing body of religious institutions:
• Copy of minutes of governing body meeting for account management
• Necessary personal details and documents related to account holder(s)
Special Notice Deposit (SND)
BASIC Bank provides Special Notice Deposit Account facility for corporate customers for day-to-day business operations. Any individual or corporate body can open Special Notice Deposit Account, which is an interest bearing deposit account, for a short period of time. However, 7 days of notice is required if the customer wishes to withdraw money from this account.
- Opening deposit is minimum Tk.500/-(Tk. Five Hundred).
- 7 days of notice is required for withdrawal money.
- Cheque-book, ATM Service, SMS Alert Service.
- Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
- State owned organization / project funds / govt. program, etc. related account may be opened without any initial balance.
BASIC Special Notice Deposit (SND) may be opened in the name of:
- Individuals
- Two or more Individuals (Joint)
- Sole Proprietorship Concerns
- Partnership Firms
- Limited Companies (Both Public and Private)
- Societies / Clubs / Associations / Local Bodies
- Banks
- Govt. / Semi Govt. Offices / Corporations / Autonomous bodies.
Interest Rate:
Less than Tk. 1.00 crore | 3.50% |
Tk. 1.00 crore & above but less than Tk. 25.00 crore | 3.50% |
Tk. 25.00 crore & above but less than Tk. 50.00 crore | 3.50% |
Tk. 50.00 crore & above but less than Tk. 100.00 crore | 3.50% |
Tk. 100 crore and above | 3.50% |
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time.
Required Information & Documents:
- Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
- NID / Birth Certificate / Valid Passport
- TIN (if any).
- Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
- One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
For opening of SND accounts for joint stock companies, associations and clubs etc:
- Copy of Registration or Incorporation certificate (in case of company or registered organization)
- Copy of certificate of commencement (only for public limited company).
- Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association (in case of limited company)
- Copy of Constitution and By-law (in case of association)
- Copy of minutes of board of directors / managing committee / governing body meeting for account management
- Certified copy of the names of directors / officials and their signatures
- Declaration.
Fixed Term Deposit
BASIC Bank offers fixed term deposit to boost up customers savings in time. One can deposit a lump sum of money for a fixed period to get attractive rate of return.
- A non-transferrable instrument (FDR) to be issued in favor of account holder.
- Taxes and duties will be applied as per govt. rule.
- Premature encashment will be allowed but conditions applied.
- Loan facility available up to 90% of deposit amount but conditions applied.
Fixed Term Deposit can be opened in the name of:
- Individual (Single).
- Two or more Individuals (Joint)
- Sole Proprietorship Concern.
- Partnership Concern (Firm).
- Limited Companies (both Public and Private).
- Society / Club / Association / Local Bodies / Govt./Semi Govt. Organization, etc.
Tenure wise Interest Rate:
Tenure | Rate of interest | |
General | Applied for (i) Individuals and (ii) Employees benefit related Funds of Govt./Private Organizations | |
01 month | 3.50% | 3.50% |
03 months | 5.50% | 5.60% |
06 months | 5.75% | 5.75% |
12 months | 6.00% | 6.00% |
24 months | 6.00% | 6.00% |
*Interest rate is subject to change from time to time.
Required Information & Documents:
- Duly filled up Account Opening Form.
- NID/ Birth Certificate/ Valid Passport
- TIN (if any).
- Two copies of recent passport size Photographs of account holder duly attested by the Introducer.
- One copy of Passport Size Photograph of Nominee duly attested by the Account Holder.
For opening of FDR accounts for joint stock companies, associations and clubs etc.:
- Copy of Registration or Incorporation certificate (in case of company or registered organization)
- Copy of certificate of commencement (only for public limited company).
- Copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association (in case of limited company)
- Copy of Constitution and By-law (in case of association)
- Copy of minutes of board of directors / managing committee / governing body meeting for account management
- Certified copy of the names of directors / officials and their signatures
- Declaration.