Desk Report: The police force is embarrassed by the role of ADC Golam Saqlain Shithil as a police officer in the incident of spending 18 hours at home with his girlfriend. He has been transferred from the Intelligence Bureau (DB). Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner Moha said action would be taken against him after investigation. Shafiqul Islam.
He told reporters at his office on Tuesday (August 10th) at noon.
He said police officer Saqlain Parimani was not involved in supervising any case. There is no scope to take legal action against him for justifiable reasons. However, departmental action will be taken against him for violating the discipline and ethics of the force.
Asked whether there was a list of traders about Parimani and whether anyone was being arrested, the DMP commissioner said there was no list of traders about Parimani or the police were not working to arrest anyone.
He said that after the arrest of Parimani, the police were shaken by various news. Neither side has complained about the relationship or fraud with any trader in the Parimani issue. So there is no opportunity to make a list. However, action will be taken if specific complaints are received.
Earlier on Monday (August 9), the DMP commissioner told reporters at his office that a gang was extorting money from businessmen and alleged models who were traveling to the homes of actress Parimani, Faria Mahbub Piasa and Maryam Akhter Maui, who were arrested in a raid by law enforcement.
The gang is demanding money from prominent members of the society by saying that their names are on the list. So far, three prominent people have informed the police about such extortion. They called and said they were in panic. There have even been cases of giving letters to a businessman asking for money. He has been threatened to reveal his name in the media if he does not pay the dues.
He said the ring was trying to blackmail celebrities by talking about the alleged video. But the police did not make any such list. The police will take legal action against those who are involved in such lists.
Shafiqul Islam said, having a relationship with someone is not illegal. Until a case is filed in this regard. A kind of panic has spread among the businessmen after the arrest of the model-actress. We don’t want such panic to spread in Corona’s time, to disgrace anyone without any reason. Everyone has to work responsibly so that no one is a victim of media trial.
The DMP commissioner requested that if anyone from the business community or any citizen calls for such a list asking for money, they should immediately report the matter to the law enforcement agencies. He also requested that if there is any audio or video in this regard, it should be preserved for the sake of investigation.